Are you interested in generating extra income? Are you looking for a new remote or one-time onsite opportunity or even for a full-time opportunity?
We facilitate access to worldwide projects within the IT industry.
The platform minds finding the projects that are relevant to you based on your technical skills, availability and location (if you’re interested in onsite projects). This is what makes the G4G platform special. We eliminated the waste of time searching through project categories and projects. Just complete your profile and let us know your technical skill sets, the job type you’re looking for you’re and your availability, so we can match you to the right jobs.
What you get as a freelancer?
- Projects matching your technical skills and availability
- Unlimited bids
- Verified clients’ history and reviews on the platform
- Safe, easy payments
- Payment Protection
- Customer Support
- Financial Reporting
- Consolidated invoicing and billing
How It Works
- Complete your profile in minutes. A complete and accurate profile ensures that you only view projects that are relevant to you. You also increase your chances that clients notice you and invite you to bid on their projects.
- Get hired. Review the list of projects matching your profile, place a bid and accept the project if awarded to you.
- Do the work. Delivering high-quality work ensures client satisfaction. Complete the work and deliver based on the milestones / deadline agreed with the client.
- Get paid. Once the work is done and the client approves deliverables, ask the customer to pay.
Why us?
- Get projects matching your profile
- Get access to verified clients
- Reach the desired work-life balance
- Escape the administrative hassle
- Real-time communication with clients
- Extensive customer support
How much does it cost?
Joining the platform is free for freelancers and it will always be.
Based on the payment channel you have chosen, when withdrawing the money, you might be charged additional percentage from the project cost. For more information, see the FAQ section.
Want to join?